


颈 cancer usually affects women between 40 and 55 years of age, 有16个,000 cases of invasive cervical cancer diagnosed annually in the United States. 巴氏涂片 是有效的筛选工具吗.

子宫颈癌一开始是 子宫颈表面细胞的异常. 这些异常不是癌变. They include dysplasia, squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL) and carcinoma in situ. 如果未被发现或未经治疗, these pre-invasive abnormalities eventually may invade normal cells of the cervix. 结果是, 癌症可能会发展, invading surrounding tissues or lymph nodes and possibly spreading to other parts of the body.

If these lesions have not invaded normal cells of the cervix, treatments may be relatively simple and straightforward.


UCSF offers innovative, compassionate care in a supportive environment to women with cervical cancer. 我们的团队包括妇科肿瘤学家, 妇科肿瘤外科十大赌博平台排行榜, radiation oncologists and nurses with special training in reproductive cancers.

We believe that education is a powerful part of the healing process. Our team works with each patient to help her understand her condition and all her treatment options, 这样我们才能一起决定最好的行动方案.

奖 & 识别

  • usnews-neurology


  • 北加州最好的,排名第一. 全国癌症治疗排名第七

  • NIH-2x


迹象 & 症状

Pre-cancerous changes of the cervix usually don't cause pain. 事实上, they generally don't cause 症状 and aren't detected unless a woman has a pelvic exam and a 子宫颈抹片检查.

Symptoms usually don't appear until abnormal cervical cells become cancerous and invade nearby tissue. 当这种情况发生时, 最常见的症状是异常出血, which may start and stop between regular menstrual periods or may occur after sexual intercourse, 冲洗或盆腔检查. Menstrual bleeding may last longer and be heavier than usual.

出血后 更年期 也可能是子宫颈癌的症状. Increased vaginal discharge is another symptom of cervical cancer.


A pelvic exam and two screening tests – the 巴氏早期癌变探查试验 and the human papillomavirus (HPV) test – are used to detect cervical cancer. Your health care provider uses an instrument called a speculum to examine you and take samples for the screening tests.

  • 骨盆检查. 十大赌博平台排行榜会检查你的阴道, 子宫, bladder and rectum for any lumps or changes in their shape or size.
  • 巴氏早期癌变探查试验. Your provider collects cells from your cervix and the surrounding area. These are sent to a medical lab to be screened for abnormal cells. 了解更多, including how and why the 巴氏早期癌变探查试验 is done, how to prepare, and what it feels like.
  • 人乳头状瘤病毒测试. Your provider collects cells from your cervix and the surrounding area and sends them to a medical lab for testing. The lab looks for the various types of HPV that cause cancer. 了解更多, including how and why the 人乳头状瘤病毒测试 is done, how to prepare, and what it feels like.


加州大学旧金山分校, we offer the full range of screening and treatment options for cervical dysplasia, 包括阴道镜, 环切除(LEEP), 激光烧蚀, cryotherapy and watchful waiting in certain situations. We believe that empowering patients with knowledge is an important part of the healing process, and we encourage all our patients to participate in choosing the option that best aligns with their preferences and values.





This simple procedure can be performed in the doctor's office under local anesthetic. An electrically charged wire loop is used to remove the outer portion of the cervix containing the abnormal tissue, which then can be examined under a microscope to confirm that no cancer remains. 在绝大多数情况下, women are cured after one LEEP procedure and are able to return to full activity shortly thereafter.


This is a procedure that freezes and kills the abnormal cells on the cervix. 在这个过程中, which is performed in the doctor's office and usually does not require an anesthetic, a silver probe that has been cooled with liquid nitrogen is placed against the cervix. This freezing kills the outer layer of cells that are abnormal on the cervix.


The removal of the 子宫 through the abdomen or vagina is a major surgical procedure requiring at least an overnight stay in the hospital. There are very few reasons to perform a hysterectomy for pre-invasive lesions. It is sometimes used for women who have had more than one relapse and no longer have enough tissue to perform another LEEP.


The treatment of invasive cancer depends upon the extent of tumor growth. In cases where the tumor is small and confined to the cervix, a woman may be treated with either a radical hysterectomy or with radiation therapy. When tumors are large or extend to adjacent tissues or lymph nodes more intensive therapy is required, 比如放射治疗, 有时还会加上化疗药物.


这是切除子宫的手术, 阴道阴道的上部, and the ligaments and connective tissues that hold the 子宫 in place. 在根治性子宫切除术期间, it also is common to remove the lymph nodes in the pelvic area, for microscopic cancer cells can spread to those lymph nodes and into the ligaments that hold the 子宫 in place.

It is not necessary to remove the ovaries in a radical hysterectomy and the preservation of ovarian function is one of the benefits of this approach. 这对年轻女性来说很重要. 在根治性子宫切除术后, a woman will no longer have menstrual periods and will not be able to bear children. However, she will continue to have the female hormone estrogen in her body. 当病人被正确地选择进行这个手术, the cure rate of cervical cancer is between 85 percent and 95 percent.


This treatment uses high-energy rays to damage cancer cells and stop them from growing. It is a localized treatment, which means that it works to attack cancer cells in one area. 辐射可能来自一台大型机器, 称为外辐射, or from radioactive materials placed directly into the cervix, 称为种植体辐射. 有些病人同时接受两种类型的放射治疗.


The use of drugs to kill cancer cells is most often used when cervical cancer has spread to other parts of the body. A patient may receive just one drug or a combination of drugs in cycles. 化疗 may be given by injection into a vein or by mouth. It is a systematic treatment, meaning that the drugs flow through the body in the bloodstream.


This treatment uses substances to strengthen a woman's immune system to better fight her cancer. It may be used to treat cancer that has spread from the cervix to other parts of the body. Interferon is the most common form of biological therapy for cervical cancer and may be used in combination with chemotherapy. Most patients who receive interferon do so on an outpatient basis.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.



Find frequently asked questions regarding cancer pathology tissue slides, such as how to obtain the slides and what to do with them once you do.


Learn the difference between a radiology report and radiology films or scans as well as why your doctor may be requesting these scans and more.


Caregiver fatigue can be brought on by the physical and emotional demands of caring for a loved one with a serious illness. 在这里学习对抗照顾者疲劳的技巧.


The relationship with a doctor is a very personal one, built on communication and trust. In choosing a doctor, the "chemistry" between the two of you must work.


Each person experiences side effects from chemotherapy differently, and different chemotherapy drugs cause different side effects. 点击这里了解更多.


Fatigue caused by cancer treatment can make it difficult to accomplish even the smallest of tasks. 了解任务委派如何帮助缓解这种疲劳.


Nausea is a common side effect of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Find practical tips and suggested foods to help with nausea here.


Living with or caring for someone with cancer can be a full-time job. Here are some tips to reduce stress and help navigate the disease more effectively.


Side effects of cancer treatment may affect your eating pattern, 需要新的方式来获取卡路里, 你需要的蛋白质和营养素. 了解更多.


你和十大赌博平台排行榜相处的时间有限, thus it's helpful to prepare for the visit in advance by prioritizing the questions that are important to you. 了解更多.


The UCSF 癌症 Resource Center has a list of bereavement 支持团体, 辅导员, 临终关怀和其他处理临终问题的人. 了解更多.


癌症 and cancer therapy can be accompanied by feelings of extreme fatigue. To help you deal with this fatigue, follow these easy tips help conserve energy.


Take time at the end of each day or each week to reflect back on the 症状 you've had. 你可以使用日历来记录你的症状. 点击这里了解更多.

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    Creativity can help people with serious illnesses cope, heal and express what they're going through. 了解我们的计划以及如何加入.



    我们一对一的运动训练课程, 根据您的需求和能力定制, can complement other cancer treatments and speed your recovery.



    加州大学旧金山分校健康 offers free nutrition counseling to our patients with cancer, 以及对所有人开放的营养研讨会. 了解更多.



    These groups offered by the Ida and Joseph Friend 病人 and 家庭癌症支援中心 are free and available to all patients, 不管你是否在加州大学旧金山分校获得医疗保健.


    核心 & 为癌症患者提供更多课程

    一个强壮的身体可以帮助你对抗癌症,享受生活. Join this class to stabilize your core, strengthen your muscles and improve overall fitness. 针对癌症患者和护理人员!



    为癌症患者提供一站式服务的精品店. Get professional help with wigs, prostheses, sun-protective clothing, makeup, skin care and more.


    冥想 & 癌症患者的引导图像

    Drop in for a free class designed to help you heal, relax and find balance during your treatment. 十大赌博靠谱网络平台加州大学旧金山分校和非加州大学旧金山分校的患者.



    Social workers offer support, problem-solving, help accessing UCSF cancer-related resources and more. Find out how to contact the social worker for your clinic.


    病人 & 家庭癌症支援中心

    该中心提供健康项目, 社区, 支持团体, 类, workshops and more at no cost to people facing cancer and their loved ones.



    病人 are matched with peer support volunteers according to criteria such as diagnosis, 癌症的阶段, 年龄或性别. 和那些“经历过”的人谈谈."
